Section Contents

5 ENVIRONMENT - social/mental spaces
5.1 Design contexts
5.1.1 Timings
5.1.2 Gateways and Barriers
5.2 Consciousness and Activism
5.3 Audiences/users
5.3.1 Participatory design
5.3.2 Crowdsourcing
5.4 Exclusivity
5.5 Public design
5.6 Human scale
5.6.1 Ergonomics
5.7 Psychology
5.7.1 Memory
5.7.2 Narrative
5.8 Culture
‪5.8.1 Subculture‬
5.8.2 Counterculture
5.8.3 Deviancy
5.9 Nature


In this section the forces and structures that design exists within are set out and addresses the question of what are the wider societal, even ideal, conditions for design? Social organisation is not designed, ie forethought, it evolves from tradition, habitat and shared culture and for design to be effective it must fit with received ideas, the the status quo, in any social state but can also challenge these. Designs involvement with social tensions are a complex web of interractions and this section sets out many of the aspects pertaining to designs ability and possibility to originate and effect changes and how cultural movements manifest, grow, and move towards an active state. Key issues of identity and participation and activism are seen against the backgrounds of culture, memory, narrative and psychology.




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